Archive for January, 2011

Where to Buy Aboveground Swimming Pool Cove Sticks

January 7, 2011

When you purchase a replacement swimming pool liner, it’s a great idea to add the Peel and Stick Swimming Pool Cove.

In order to keep the swimming pool liner in place and protect the structure of the pool wall and liner, most people tend to build a sand or dirt cove that could easily be washed out; causing a lot of stress to the vinyl liner.  Pool Cove Sticks  solves that problem.  Peel n Place Aboveground Swimming Pool Cove is an economical alternative to sand and dirt cove and can be installed easily.

The cove sticks are easy to install; just release the backing and position on the clean and dry postion.  The tacky adhesive backing will hold the lightweight, flexible cove sections in place until the liner is filled with water.

  • Tacky adhesive backing
  • Flexible and Lightweight
  • Eliminates tons of dirt
  • Adheres to pool wall
  • Installs quick and easy
  • Does not wash out
  • Easy to work with 4 foot sections

    DelOzone Ozone Generator for Aboveground Swimming Pools

    January 7, 2011

    Please visit Mega Pool and Spa for more information or to purchase the DelOzone Generator

    Ozone Generator for Aboveground Swimming Pools


    Reduces chemical consumption 60-90% while maintaining crystal clear-germ free water!

    Ozone is rapidly becoming the sanitizer of choice in bodies of water all over the world. In Europe ozone is so effective at killing contaminants that it is used to purify the drinking water in most countries there. Ozone produces oxygen molecules that are an extremely powerful sanitizer, killing 99.99% of all bacteria, viruses and molds on contact. Del Clear’s Corona Discharge System produces 5 times the amount of germ killing ozone as other units. Now with Del Clear you can use this powerful sanitizer that uses no chemicals to keep your above ground pool water safe and crystal clear. With our ozonator you can reduce the use of chemicals up to 90%. Ozone is 100% natural (it’s pure oxygen) and it insures a healthy, safe pool.

    The unit is easy to install, completely automatic, and is effective on pools up to 25,000 gallons. Enjoy the benefits of ozone this season with the powerful Del-Clear Corona Discharge Ozonator.